Monday, April 23, 2012

Divine Heart by Kasia Fedyk

I asked my heart,

what do you want? what do you need?

It smiled at me, and asked,

Don't you know, do you ever listen when I speak?

Remember all the days you put me aside

You played tricks on me with your mind, remember that?

I told you to listen but you just kept on going

And you forgot about me, about my presence, about my essence

You forgot about the flame burning with passion and love

You forgot, you did not remember, I was there

Don't you know you need to quiet your mind to hear my voice

To feel the flame, to recognize my needs and wants

Do you remember that day the woman stepped into the bus

And you felt something, you felt a need to pray, you saw and felt her sorrow

Her pain, and you prayed, I was fully opened then, you heard my voice,

You felt my call ~ see ~ look ~ I am compassion ~ I am kindness ~ I am understanding ~ I am gratitude

I am the embrace of the sun rays in someones arms ~
I am the hope and faith for someone in need ~
I am the smile that brightens the day of every human that you come across ~
I am the river of eternal life that speaks only love and nothing else ~
I am the one that comforts ~
I am the one that heals the wounds of the world ~
I am the divine dance and vibrance that caresses the world ~
I am the light in the dark alleys you are so afraid to walk in ~
I am the water that quenches your thirst ~
I am the music ~
I am the note and the melody ~
I am the sacred fire of oneness and love ~
I am your heart!

Do you know what I want and need now?

I am love ~ I live love ~ I breathe love

Now you know what my need and want is and every moment of your life dance with me

And I will lead you into the arms of eternal light

I will be the fire that keeps you warm and I will ignite all that you come across and touch

I will be the wave that carries you to the shore ~ I am that I am ~

I am the divine spark that dwells in you always ~ I am your divine heart.

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful, Kasia! Thanks for this lovely poem on the Divine Heart. Blessings!


Always be impeccable with your words.


Spirit Walker